Clasic Control
Day: 5
Hours: 6
Start: 2018-01-09
End: 2018-01-10
1- Components of the control circuit to the classic control component
Relay Relay
Overload (thermal relay)
End Switches
On-timer timer-off-delay timer
Counter-counter down
2 - applications on the control of automatic classic control application
2-1 circuit running one engine
2-2 circuit control over the engine
2-3 circle reverse movement
2-4 Star Delta Circle and its usefulness
2.4 Water level control circuit
3. Definition of programmed logic control
3.1 Types of signals in control systems technology
Types of signals in control system
-Binary Signals.
-Analog Signals.
3.2 Number system
-Decimal system
-Binary System
-BCD - Code (8-4-2-1-Code)
-Hexadecimal Number System
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